
on the road...

sooo :) die erste etappe waehre geschafft... stehe mit 15kilo handgepaeck oder so am singapourianischen (singapourinesischen? singerpourischen?) flughafen und schau meinen fingernaegeln beim wachsen zu (also wahrscheinlich findich aba noch was spannenderes zu tuen hier...).... der laengere flug liegt noch vor mir... mal schauen wie ich das ueberstehe


the point of not no return

okay.. ich glaube nicht dass ich noch oft zum internet komme die naechsten tage, aufjedenfall fuer die leute die sich fragen wann ich nun genau wieder da bin: am 20. janner 9:30, flugnummer OS 128 :)


Adelaide Sunrise

okay :) survived another flight... back in adelaide now... pitfully not as warm here as in brisbane :(... well... my last night (actually, the night before my last night.. night between the 12 and the 13th) in brisbane was rather funny... after going to a jazz club with 3 korean girls, i ended up listening to street musicians that made drumm and bass on a few metal pots and a toy keyboard that was wired trough a distortion pedal until 3 o clock or something.. (i decided not to sleep that night since my bus to the aiport went at 5 o clock in the morning anyways, and that way i could save the rent for a night...)

well, now im back here.. staying at elains place and trying to contact my indian friends..


Ich und die sekte

okay i only have a limited amount of time right now so i make it quick:
after sydney i managed to organize a ride for me and shanti to brisbane... Martin, a swiss guy (who came to australia after a road trip from london to mongolia (!!!) in a 150 euro car (!!!) ), dirk, a german guy, an the 2 of us took about a week to get to brisbane... we stopped at a few small places on the way including the famous byron bay. Everything was booked out but luckily shanti knew a guy from 10 years ago who is in the same sect as her mother who lived in the area.. so we went to a Osho (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osho) meditation and massage centre in town where we found out is his phone number... and he promptly invited us to his house where we spent the night :)
after that we basically continued to brisbane where i stayed at a couchsurfing place until today but i'll move in in the backpackers hostel where shanti and dirk are staying at the moment...

not very in depth but just that you guys know what i did :)